Congratulations to the class of 2025. Celebrate and share your graduation highlights using  #DTCCGrad2025


Commencement Dates and Important Information

We look forward to our commencement ceremonies in May, which will include graduates from summer 2024, fall 2024, and spring 2025.


Delaware Tech Commencement 2025 FAQs

Graduation Eligibility

2025级包括那些在2024年夏季完成课程的学生, fall of 2024, or spring of 2025.

No; however, 选择参加毕业典礼的毕业生必须戴绶帽, gown, and tassel), which must be purchased online or in person through the campus bookstore.

Yes, you can participate in the ceremony; however, 你将不会收到你的文凭或正式成绩单,直到所有未偿余额已全部支付. 一旦所有未偿余额已全部付清,请与您的校园联系 Registrar's Office to notify them that you would like your diploma to be released. You may also order your official transcript at


If you did not attend the graduation party, you may visit the bookstore in person to purchase your regalia.

Veterans and service members may also opt to wear their dress uniform.

Honor cords are given to graduates who have earned cum laude, magna cum laude, 以及基于累积平均绩点的优等生认可. 荣誉勋章将在多佛校区和乔治敦校区的彩排和斯坦顿校区和威尔明顿校区的毕业典礼上分发.

Students earning a cumulative grade point average (GPA) between 3.25 and 3.49 will graduate cum laude. Those earning a cumulative GPA between 3.5 and 3.79 will graduate magna cum laude. Those earning a cumulative GPA between 3.8 and 4.0 will graduate summa cum laude.

与退伍军人和服役人员的学术顾问核实他们服务过的毕业生, or are currently serving, in the U.S. 武装部队将获得红、白、蓝三色荣誉绳,以感谢他们的服务. 退伍军人的唱片将在多佛校区和乔治敦校区的彩排和斯坦顿校区和威尔明顿校区的毕业典礼上分发.


Phi Theta Kappa的学生可以购买PTK荣誉证书和/或荣誉证书 PTK website.

作为Alpha Beta Gamma(商业)或Lambda Epsilon Chi(法律研究)成员的毕业生应联系他们的俱乐部顾问购买他们的荣誉协会徽章.

出国留学的毕业生应佩戴代表其所访问国家的披肩. 毕业生可以联系校园十大正规赌博平台大全协调员了解更多信息.


西格玛Theta Tau学生将在入职时收到绳索,也可以从学校购买 Sigma Theta Tau website.

Ceremony Details

获得多个学位的毕业生将只走过一次舞台, 但是他们的名字会出现在毕业典礼手册上所有获得/授予的学位下面.

Students must participate at their home campus commencement ceremony.

在您到达后,将在每个地点提供适当的停车场方向. Graduates and attendees park in general parking. Accessible parking is also available. 下面提供了多佛和乔治城庆典的地图,以便与会者能够确定地点并朝着正确的方向前进. 斯坦顿和威尔明顿的毕业生和与会者在到达以下地点后将由特拉华大学的工作人员指导:

  • Dover: campus map
  • Georgetown: campus map
  • Stanton/Wilmington: 特拉华大学鲍勃·卡彭特中心,南学院大道631号,纽瓦克,特拉华

Yes, tickets are required. To receive tickets, graduates must indicate on the graduation application that they are attending the ceremony. 在校园毕业晚会上,门票将与徽章一起分发. The graduation party dates, times, and locations are as follows:

  • Georgetown: TBD
  • Wilmington: TBD
  • Stanton: TBD
  • Dover: TBD


Campus ticket details:

  • Georgetown: Tickets are required for all those who wish to sit under the tent. Tickets are not required for seating around the exterior of the tent. Guests who select this area will need to provide their own chairs. Each graduate receives two (2) tickets. 2岁以下的儿童如果坐在成人持票人的腿上,则不需要单独购票. Seating will begin at 4:30 p.m. All ticket holders must be seated by 5:30 p.m. Alternate viewing locations include Room 529 of the William A. 卡特合作中心(福赛特演讲厅)或艺术与科学中心的剧院. Livestream is also available on the College website. 
  • Dover: Tickets are required for all those who wish to sit under the tent. Tickets are not required for seating around the exterior of the tent. Guests who select this area will need to provide their own chairs. Each graduate receives three (3) tickets. 2岁以下的儿童如果坐在成人持票人的腿上,则不需要单独购票. Seating will begin at 4:45 p.m. All ticket holders must be seated by 5:30 p.m. 其他观看地点包括教育技术大楼的Del-One会议中心. The livestream is also available on the College website. (Ticketholders are not guaranteed seats after 5:30 p.m.)没有门票的客人可以通过学院网站上的直播观看仪式.
  • Stanton/Wilmington: TBD

请联系校园残疾支持顾问,为您或您的客人要求住宿. 如果校园需要购票入座,所有的客人都必须购票. 为了帮助我们更好地满足您的需求,请在活动前10个工作日与我们联系.


Diplomas Details

每学期完成课程并完成毕业申请的学生将收到电子文凭,并发送到他们的个人电子邮件地址(不是@dtcc).edu email) at the end of each semester (i.e.夏季毕业生8月,秋季毕业生12月,春季毕业生5月). 打印的文凭将在你毕业的学期结束后大约四周内寄出(在某些情况下,将在学期结束后大约三周寄出)。. You must complete the graduation application for your diploma to be printed and shipped. If you did not receive your diploma, please contact the Registrar's Office.